Friday, October 22, 2010

I love Fall!

As you might have guessed by the title of this blog, I love the fall. It is my favorite season, hands down. When I lived in California, I missed the fall. They have fall, but it is just not the same. No crisp, cool Autumn air, no crunch of the leaves under your feet, no smell of a fireplace.

Some of the best things in my life happened during the fall. I was born in the fall...I guess this is the best thing of all! I married the love of my life in the fall and I adopted the feline love of my life (Pumpkin - the name also gives away how much I love the season) in the fall. My favorite holiday is in the fall. And all the best foods are in season in the fall, pumpkins, acorn squash, and of course, pumpkin pie!

So, to celebrate the Fall, I've started making some Fall crafts. Here is the first:

I feel as though this wreath truly embodies the season: the warm chocolate yarn, the flowers the colors of the falling leaves.

This fall wreath will be going to someone very special in my life...


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Lots of friends and lots of family members are having babies lately. I can't bring myself to purchase any old gift from Babies R Us. What fun would that be? So, I've started making diaper cakes. Not only are they useful at the party (i.e. as decor) but they are, so I've been told, a very useful present after the baby comes home.

Here are some cakes I've made:

My first:

My most recent:
